
Recent Developments

Hi, all. Still neck-deep in Deadline Hell, though beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. (And please don’t take my mashup of three metaphors in one sentence as a measure of the quality of my writing right now.) But all novel, all the time does not a sane girl make, so here’s a little of what else I’ve been up to lately: Let’s All Go to the Science Fiction Disco: Here is how this project was described to me initially: Would you like to write an essay about Janelle Monae? To which I replied “[expletive] YEAH WHAT […]

Recent Developments KEEP READING

Recent guesting about

Apologies again, folks, for not updating here much. Between my day job and my new trilogy deadlines, I don’t have a lot of free time for blogging. Still, I’ve done a little blogging and interviewing in order to promote the Dreamblood duology, so here’s a roundup of stuff I’ve said elsewhere, in no particular order. “The Unexotic Exotic” at The Book Smugglers. People who read these books may be able to identify with a few traits of each of these characters, but no one will match them all. And that’s fine — because in theory, readers can identify with any

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Silence Here = Busy Elsewhere

Apologies, Epiphanistas; I haven’t had much to say here in the past few weeks aside from launch announcements. Sorry! But I haven’t been silent. Here’s a complete list of the interviews, guestblogs, etc., that I have done and/or will be doing shortly. Guestblog at FantasyBookCafe, for their Women in SF&F Month (read the whole series! Some great authors get profiled.) Guestblog at the BookSmugglers on The Unexotic Exotic Interview in the BookSmugglers’ Newsletter (And just for completeness, here’s Ana and Thea’s review of The Killing Moon. It scored a 9! Warning for spoilers, tho’.) At Goodreads, as part of their

Silence Here = Busy Elsewhere KEEP READING

Guest Post: In Praise of Unoriginality

Nora Note: I’m experimenting with guest posts! Our first guinea pig is fellow Fluidian E. C. Myers, whose forthcoming YA novel I’ve had the pleasure of critiquing (and enjoying the hell out of). But enough about me. Let’s let the man talk:   When Baz Luhrmann’s film adaptation of The Great Gatsby was announced last year, fans of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel were at best skeptical and at worst angry. Though it’s been known for a while that Luhrmann is taking the book’s latest cinematic journey even farther, into the Third Dimension!, for some reason people have only started paying

Guest Post: In Praise of Unoriginality KEEP READING

Fantasy Matters Focus: On Why the Universe is a Shrimp Poboy

…or a hoagie, actually, but I prefer poboys. To clarify this cryptic header: Fantasy Matters, a fantasy review/fan site, is doing Inheritance Trilogy Week in honor of The Kingdom of Gods‘ release! They reviewed The Broken Kingdoms yesterday, and today features a guest post from me, on the macro-scale worldbuilding that went into the Inheritance Trilogy. Also, hoagies. Future features are to include a post by an expert on the theology of the trilogy and of course a review of book 3, and there’s already an interview with Nubia Palacios, the artist who did the Yeine concept drawing I shared

Fantasy Matters Focus: On Why the Universe is a Shrimp Poboy KEEP READING

Cheaper Kingdoms, Better Worlds

Good news, folks: to celebrate the Nebula and Hugo nominations for The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, Orbit is dropping the ebook price to $2.99! You can find it for that price at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Mother’s Day is coming; if your mom’s the type who might like family drama and mythic intrigue with a weensy bit of sexytimes… hey, I’m just sayin’, not all moms want flowers. ETA: You can also get Mira Grant’s Feed as part of the Hugo deal! Also! I got the chance to participate in another SF Signal Mind Meld. This one’s for the Shared

Cheaper Kingdoms, Better Worlds KEEP READING

What fantasy authors do in their spare time, part #354:

Talk about deep stuff. Like, why are there Chosen Ones, and why aren’t more of them jerks? In private email, got to conversing with Sam Sykes, a fellow debut fantasy author of Tome of the Undergates, about the whole concept of the Chosen One and the trope’s not-so-subtle inherent message that birth matters more than effort. He’s got the whole discussion up on his website, but here’s an excerpt from, well, myself: I mean, yeah, Chosen Ones are problematic as hell, and it’s creepy and depressing that the fantasy readership rewards this narrative with bestseller sales without seeming to question

What fantasy authors do in their spare time, part #354: KEEP READING

And Just In Case…

…anybody sees my post over at Whatever on the so-called Ground Zero Mosque, and decides to come over here and start something… a simple admonition: Don’t. ETA: And because somebody decided to be hard-headed, just an FYI: I’ve put the blog on moderation until further notice. If you’ve commented here before and been approved, you should be able to comment freely; if you’re a newbie you’ll have to wait ’til I get around to approving it. Sorry, but this is why I said “don’t.”

And Just In Case… KEEP READING

Gone Fishin’

…well, not really. Actually, I’m in the process of moving to a new apartment this week, so I’m pretty busy. But in addition to that, I’m going to be guest-blogging for the next few weeks over at SF writer John Scalzi’s Whatever. I’m not very good at blog multitasking — as those of you who read the Magic District might have noticed — so I might be a little quiet here ’til I’m done there. That’s OK, though; you’re welcome to read me there too. There’s three other people guestblogging with me, and I think all four of us are


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