Conventions and Workshops

Durh, cons and workshops. What else?


ICFA was lovely, as was the weather down in Orlando… ’til the day I needed to travel home. Also, since that day was the end of spring break for much of the country, the Orlando airport was a madhouse. I arrived early, hoping to fly standby and get home at a reasonable hour rather than an insane hour, and the standby list was seventy people deep. So I sat at the airport for seven hours, then flew home at the insane hour anyway. And the weather followed us the whole way, so it was a long, fraught flight full of […]


Appearances, next few months

Since folks have asked, just wanted to share some of the stuff I’ll be up to in the next few months. I didn’t want to add an “Appearances” tab to the blog because I’m still a baby author, making baby-author steps and with a baby-author budget, so I’m concentrating events around the book’s launch and won’t be traveling far or often beyond that. Which means I won’t be at, say, Worldcon in Australia this year. (No slight on Australia; my wallet’s telling me no, but my body’s telling me yes… and the wallet wins, hands-down.) Won’t be doing Odyssey either,

Appearances, next few months KEEP READING

Blog Tour: New Jersey! And pre-release housekeeping.

Newsflash! Although the official publication date of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is February 25, I found out yesterday that the release date is actually February 3rd. What this means, I think — remember, this stuff is new to me, too — is that the book will actually be available in many stores in ::ulp:: about two weeks. Which kinda blows my plan of posting a 30-day countdown clock, because I don’t actually know when people will be able to get this thing. On the other hand, screw the countdown clock; my book!! is coming!! What this means is that I’m

Blog Tour: New Jersey! And pre-release housekeeping. KEEP READING

Off to WFC

…in San Jose tomorrow, though I’ve learned that thanks to flight changes it’ll be a 9 hour trip instead of 6 hours. Looking forward to that about as much as a root canal. But I will survive. As a reminder to any who will be there and want to say hello, offer gifts, punch me in the nose (note, though: I punch back!), etc., the one event I’ll definitely be at is my own reading, currently scheduled for 3 p.m. on Saturday. Come hear the first 2 chapters of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms! (Note: those of you who came to


WFC, Reviews

Next week, like several hundred other fantasy authors, agents, editors, and the like, I’ll be in San Jose at WFC. (That’s “World Fantasy Con,” not “World Fighting Championships.” Though it would be interesting to see a bunch of fantasy writers in a cage fighting match, wouldn’t it…? I got dibs on Ursula Le Guin, man.*) WFC is a professionals’ con, as the price tag makes clear, but also because it’s got a more focused, serious attitude than most of the cons in SF/Fdom. Which is actually fine by me; I like having serious convos about the stuff I do for


Science Fiction in Black Music

Happy Labor Day, USians! Also, fellow Brooklynites, enjoy the Caribbean day parade! Had a small dinner party for friends last night, firing up the balcony grill one last time before retiring it for the season. Baby back ribs, grilled green tomatoes and eggplant, and peach cobbler. Aaaangh. At Worldcon, I was on a panel about Michael Jackson and his music/videos’ influence on speculative fiction. At the panel, I mentioned Sun Ra and other MJ precursors, and the fact that MJ was part of a long tradition — though IMO he helped shunt it from the auditory into the visual with

Science Fiction in Black Music KEEP READING

Yeah, it’s Monday

Got sent this by fellow Altered Fluidian Mercurio D. Rivera, who snapped this photo of me being silly at my signing at Worldcon. As per apparent SF writer tradition, I put up the “Wall O’ Books” (my Advanced Reader Copies) to make myself seem more Important. Actually signed a few things, too, even though I don’t actually have a book out; was most delighted by a person who brought a printout of my blog to get signed. But then it all went horribly, horribly wrong. (Oh, come on. Don’t tell me you haven’t been playing with the Squirrelizer too.)

Yeah, it’s Monday KEEP READING

Back from Worldcon

…and exhausted. I don’t quite have full-fledged con crud, but I think I’m skirting it. My own fault for wearing myself out. Worldcon, for those who’ve never attended, is a marathon endurance contest: panels and events and schmoozing by day, parties and events and schmoozing by night. Did I mention the schmoozing? Oh, yeah, there was schmoozing. The good: Montreal! Holy moly, that’s a beautiful city. Wish I’d had time to see more of it. I think I’ll go there on vacation sometime, when I can just relax and enjoy myself. Bixi, Montreal’s ingenious system of public bikes. The lovely

Back from Worldcon KEEP READING


OK, so here’s the thing: I’ve got a reading (11:00 a.m.) and a signing (5:00 p.m.) on Saturday at Anticipation. I’m sharing the reading with 2 other writers who are better-known than me, and the signing is fairly pointless since I have, y’know, no book out yet. So I was feeling fairly mopey about both events, until I decided to have some fun. So. I have Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs)! They are beautiful and shiny and I love them. Now, most of these I’m reserving to send out to reviewers, bloggers of various renown, and bigmouths of assorted stripes, because,

Self-promoteyness KEEP READING

My Worldcon Schedule

OK, so going to Worldcon again for the first time since Boston of a few years ago. I’m really looking forward to it, not the least because it’ll be in Montreal!!!!!1! I must have poutine! And beaver tails, despite their kinky name! …Anyway, in between bouts of raising my cholesterol, I’ll be doing this: When: Sat 11:00 Title: Author Reading All Participants: Gregory A. Wilson, Nora K. Jemisin, P. C. Hodgell When: Sat 17:00 Title: Nora K. Jemisin Signing When: Sun 11:00 Title: Michael Jackson‚s THRILLER: SF Culture Landmark All Participants: Nora K. Jemisin, Stephen H. Segal, John Scalzi Moderator:

My Worldcon Schedule KEEP READING

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