
The Fifth Season is coming!

And I’ve got some stuff lined up in the next few weeks. I will not be doing a book tour; I’m still in Deadline Hell on book 2 of the Broken Earth trilogy, which is due at the end of August. So this is it for big events… but I’m amenable to the occasional podcast appearance or phone interview. (No guestblogs or text interviews, sorry; those eat up too much writing time.) Week of July 27th: Goodreads giveaway Some lucky people will have a chance to win a free signed copy of any of my novels, including The Fifth Season. […]

The Fifth Season is coming! KEEP READING

New York Comic Con

After taking last year off, I’m heading back to NYCC this year — though only for a day (Saturday), since I generally find comic cons overwhelming and exhausting. But I’m making a nice packed day of it! First off, I’ll be doing a signing at 1 pm at the Orbit/Hachette booth. I’m told there will be copies of The Killing Moon and The Shadowed Sun available! Second off, at 2:45 I’ll be on a panel sponsored by The Mary Sue on underrepresented groups in geek media. Lastly at 6:30, I’ll be on Geeks of Color ASSEMBLE!, on specifically PoC in

New York Comic Con KEEP READING

Continuum GoH Speech

Apologies for not posting this sooner, folks; my schedule as a GoH is packed almost solid, and I just got a free moment to upload. I ad-libbed a bit, but this is the text of my speech from earlier today at Continuum. Might miss some emphases and other formatting; no time to check it right now. Warning for profanity. My father was afraid for me to come to Australia. He mostly made jokes about it — “Good, you’ve got dredlocks, maybe they won’t think you’re Chinese”, stuff like that. But I know my father, and I know when the jokes

Continuum GoH Speech KEEP READING

Off to the other side of the planet

Australia, that is, where I’ll be guesting at this year’s Continuum in Melbourne. It’s my first trip Down Under, and I’m kinda giddy about it — though not so much giddy about the 20+ hours of air travel I’ll need to get there. But that’s why I’m heading there a bit early, so that I can recover, play the tourist a little and become vertical again, and say something more than “Blergh” to the people I meet there. If you’re Melbourne-abouts, drop in and say hi! If you’re closer to my usual side of the planet, though, don’t feel bad

Off to the other side of the planet KEEP READING

Recent Developments

Hi, all. Still neck-deep in Deadline Hell, though beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. (And please don’t take my mashup of three metaphors in one sentence as a measure of the quality of my writing right now.) But all novel, all the time does not a sane girl make, so here’s a little of what else I’ve been up to lately: Let’s All Go to the Science Fiction Disco: Here is how this project was described to me initially: Would you like to write an essay about Janelle Monae? To which I replied “[expletive] YEAH WHAT

Recent Developments KEEP READING

Assorted Awesomeness

Sorry for the silence lately; holidays, travel, the usual. Back now and getting into the swing of things again, so here’s a little of what I’ve been up to: The folks at Open Road Media have created a series of advertisements for Octavia Butler’s novels, which are being released in ebook form at last now that it’s the 25th anniversary of Dawn — not her first novel, but arguably her first hit. (If you haven’t read the Lilith’s Brood books, read them. They’re my favorites of hers.) The first one came out a few months ago, showcasing Butler’s agent, some

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San Diego Comic Con

Le’ me ‘splain. No, no, no, there is too much; le’ me sum up. Last weekend I was at San Diego Comic Con as a Special Guest of the convention. I’ve been to New York Comic Con before, but… there’s really no comparison. NYCC has a different character — more corporate, somehow; less eclectic. And it doesn’t take over the whole damn city. SDCC is a city. Guesstimates (this is from one of the con staffers assigned to me as a “handler”) were that 140,000 people were at this one. The convention center’s capacity, note, is 130,000 — but I

San Diego Comic Con KEEP READING

My Comic Con Schedule

Next week I’ll be a Special Guest at San Diego Comic Con. Now, I’ve been to New York’s Comic Con several times, but SDCC is its bigger, meaner older brother, and I have to confess that I’ve been a little intimidated by the idea of the whole thing. Still, it’s hard not to get excited, ’cause holy crap see what I’ll be doing: Thursday, July 12: Creating Diverse Spaces for Diverse Representations I was excited about this already, because I think the folks at Racebending are doing a hero’s work, poking Hollywood with a stick to get it to

My Comic Con Schedule KEEP READING

Silence Here = Busy Elsewhere

Apologies, Epiphanistas; I haven’t had much to say here in the past few weeks aside from launch announcements. Sorry! But I haven’t been silent. Here’s a complete list of the interviews, guestblogs, etc., that I have done and/or will be doing shortly. Guestblog at FantasyBookCafe, for their Women in SF&F Month (read the whole series! Some great authors get profiled.) Guestblog at the BookSmugglers on The Unexotic Exotic Interview in the BookSmugglers’ Newsletter (And just for completeness, here’s Ana and Thea’s review of The Killing Moon. It scored a 9! Warning for spoilers, tho’.) At Goodreads, as part of their

Silence Here = Busy Elsewhere KEEP READING

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