
Stuff about THE HUNDRED THOUSAND KINGDOMS, my first forthcoming novel

Romantic Times Interview

This actually came out earlier this month, but I wanted to get permission from the folks at Romantic Times before I posted it, which I have now done. In the March 2010 issue, there’s a fantastic interview with me and another author, Lauren Oliver, about how living in Brooklyn is Teh Kewl. (Romantic Times itself is located in Brooklyn.) The interview won’t be posted online, so if you want to see it farreals you’ll need to go get yourself a copy of Romantic Times. Note that this article references the GOLD rating/review of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms that ran in […]

Romantic Times Interview KEEP READING

Blog Tour: Amazonia (by way of Tallahassee)

Another interview up today — this one by author Jeff VanderMeer (who is the one located in Tallahassee), and posted on the Amazon book blog Omnivoracious. Jeff’s got some nice things to say about the book before we settle into the interview proper: What most impressed me about the novel is Jemisin’s ability to show the reader real human emotion and depth in her characters without descending into sentimentality. Equally impressive is her ability to convey the particulars of a complex political and social situation in a clear and concise way without being didactic. The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is an

Blog Tour: Amazonia (by way of Tallahassee) KEEP READING

Godhood for sale (for a good cause)

A friend involved with the Virginia Avenue Project let me know about an auction that they’re doing to try and raise $15,000 before mid-March. The VAP is an afterschool arts program of the sort that all kids should have, but which these days is usually offered only to kids in school districts that can afford “enrichment activities”. Anyway, these kids are going to lose theirs, if something isn’t done. I’m offering one of my author copies of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, which I received just today, autographed to whoever offers the highest donation to the VAP. I’m also offering something

Godhood for sale (for a good cause) KEEP READING

Do we have BOOK SIGN? And contest!

Got the first report today from someone in the UK that The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms has been spotted on a Waterstones bookshelf!! I’m kind of shocked, because I thought the thing wasn’t even supposed to ship until Wednesday, but hey, who knew. Apparently only J. K. Rowling’s books get held off the shelves ’til the official release/pub date. (This may be the only time I ever say that I’m glad I’m not J. K. Rowling. Take a snapshot; won’t happen again.) Speaking of snapshots, and given that copies are starting to appear, I have a request: because I am a

Do we have BOOK SIGN? And contest! KEEP READING

Sexing Up Gods

So, got another review over the weekend, this one from friend and fellow author Gord Sellar. Gord is an English professor, so as you might imagine his review was very thorough and deconstructiony and contained many 12-cent words, which I kinda loved. He warns of spoilers at the outset, and he’s not kidding, so be forewarned. But his post triggered some thinking for me, on the topic of sex and gods. I live in the US, and was raised Christian, of a particular variety of Christianity that pretty much had this to say about sex: “Sex? Where did you hear


Sample Chapter 3 posted!

A bit early, because I realized just recently that the release date for The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is actually February 3rd. What that means is that even though it’s not officially out until its pub date of February 25th, many retailers will actually start to shelve it anytime between those two dates. So posting chapter 3 early means I get to torment people longer with the book’s unavailability. Mwahaha! Also, today is my mom’s birthday, so I’m feeling celebratory. Enjoy! Chapter 3 is here.

Sample Chapter 3 posted! KEEP READING

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

Title quote from the first Matrix film; Morpheus. So, noticed that the German version of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is now available, when it showed up on Goodreads under “other editions” recently. That was my first time seeing it. For those of you who aren’t Goodreads members (why aren’t you?), here’s what it looks like: According to Google’s translation tool, the title is something like “The Heiress of the World”. Submitted without comment for now. (Am talking with my agent about it.) Feel free to discuss. Oh, and there’s a description of Yeine in chapter 1, if you’re wondering what

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. KEEP READING

Warriors who don’t make war

OK. Calm now. Going to be slightly more coherent than in my last post. The reviews of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms have thus far been mostly positive, which is phenomenal. (See last post for my typical reaction.) But I’m kind of glad for the occasional notes of critique that have cropped up amid all the praise. See, like all writers I’m still learning, constantly seeking to improve my skills in various areas. Part of that learning process is experimentation, which generally consists of me trying something weird and then seeing how readers react. The critical reviews are giving me an

Warriors who don’t make war KEEP READING

io9!!! io9!!! io9!!!

Submitted without comment beyond HOLY FUCKING SHIT: The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, out Feb. 25, is an impressive debut, which revitalizes the trope of empires whose rulers have gods at their fingertips. It feels suitably big, and yet incredibly intimate as well. And we can’t wait to read the other two volumes of the Inheritance Trilogy.

io9!!! io9!!! io9!!! KEEP READING

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