
Random crap I ramble on about.

Belated Happy Birthday to me!

Folks on Twitter and FB knew this, but it occurred to me I hadn’t mentioned the b-day here on the homeblog. D’oh, Web 2.0fail. Anyway, I partly forgot to mention it because it wasn’t a big deal. Like anyone who works in education, I generally write off the month of September for stuff like, oh, a social life, complex thought, or a full night’s sleep. So I generally celebrate my birthday in October sometime. And given that this October will see the publication of The Kingdom of Gods… well, there’s just all kinds of stuff I can do with that. […]

Belated Happy Birthday to me! KEEP READING

How much status do you quo?

Consider this a thought experiment. Awhile back, I wrote about change theory, and the notion that the only way to unfreeze a stable system is to heat it up in some way. This isn’t exactly a new or unique ideology; it’s one held by radicals of whatever stripe, and to a degree it’s been proven by history. Every fallen empire, every long-lasting regime that’s been overturned, every stagnant system that’s undergone a sudden and drastic change, has shown that change is always possible, no matter how ingrained or set-in-stone the pre-change status quo seemed to be. But systems operate on

How much status do you quo? KEEP READING


To the list of awards nominations I posted awhile back, I now have a new addition: The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms has been nominated for a World Fantasy Award for Best Novel. That’s ten. Ten awards nominations. Ten. ::feels a little lightheaded::


Locus Roundtable on, er, Me

Locus, that nice magazine that just gave me a big shiny award, also does other cool things. Who knew? Like, they have a series called Roundtables, in which they ask a bunch of writers, reviewers, and other literary folk to chat about a particular work or topic. And — starting before the award, actually — they decided to talk about me. Disclosure: I’m on the Roundtable list, but I obviously bowed out of this conversation. So a couple of the folks there have met me in real life, one (Rachel Swirsky) knows me quite well, and the rest I only

Locus Roundtable on, er, Me KEEP READING

Never Judge a Book By Its… Title.

A friend sent me this link to an article at the Awl in which four literary writers talk about their reactions to editorial title changes. An example, from author Suzanne Morrison re her book Yoga Bitch: A lot of writers think their editors are crazy when they try and change their titles, but I didn’t. I knew exactly what she was talking about, because I had been worrying about the same thing. In writing the story as a book, deeper themes emerged that hadn’t been present in the play; fear of death, yearning for faith, the hunt for something real.

Never Judge a Book By Its… Title. KEEP READING


Using all caps because it’s FRANCE and holy crap FRANCE I’m in FRANCE how ’bout some FRANCE with those FRENCH fries? (Which for some reason here are called “amusing fries”. I fail to see the joke.) Anyway, am here for the Imaginales festival in a town called Epinal in eastern FRANCE. I’m posting photos and updates on the trip over on my Facebook page for those who can see it (I friend everybody that doesn’t appear to be a spammer, if you’re wondering, so it’s OK if you don’t know me personally). That’s it. Just wanted to let you know


No Nebula this year

I didn’t win, alas. That said, if I gotta lose, losing to Connie Willis is the way to go, lemme tell you. And I had a great time at Nebula Weekend, though I was only there for Saturday and Sunday (it started Thursday). I have pictures, but they came out very dark for some reason, so I won’t post them. (If anyone was there and has better pics, please send them to me!) And while I’m aware that “it’s an honor to be nominated” is a cliche, that really is the case here. The other authors in the Best Novel

No Nebula this year KEEP READING

Little busy for awhile…

Those of you who’ve friended me on Facebook have already seen this, but for everyone — yesterday the copyedit of The Kingdom of Gods arrived on my literal doorstep. In my building, UPS will sometimes take a chance and just drop the thing in front of a person’s door, in hopes that it won’t disappear. Usually it doesn’t, but it does usually suffer a little; someone had stepped on the thing, planting a nearly perfect footprint right in the middle of the envelope, by the time I got home. Such disrespect. Anyway, what you can’t see — because I’m a

Little busy for awhile… KEEP READING

Sale to Turkey

Whoa. I was sure I’d posted about this already, but glanced at the blog and noticed it wasn’t up. Gremlins. (In my mind!) Anyway, 100K takes another step closer to WORLD DOMINATION — Turkish publisher Dogan Egmont has bought both The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and The Broken Kingdoms for translation and publication there. Yay! Not planning a trip to Istanbul yet, though I’ve always wanted to visit there. But now I have an excuse. ;)

Sale to Turkey KEEP READING

An Informal Comment Policy

As of 2012 or so, I’ve put Epiphany 2.0 on a permanent moderation-first policy. First time commenters’ stuff will go into the mod queue; I’ll try to clear it as quickly as possible. Followup commenters who’ve been approved before can comment automatically, tho’. Unfortunately I’ve had a few too many rounds of racist and sexist bullshit bombing my site while I was away from the internet, which is why I had to institute this. Blame the bigots, and sorry for the inconvenience. Apologies in advance for the profanity. Yes, I can use my big girl words, but sometimes f-bombs are

An Informal Comment Policy KEEP READING

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