Sale to Turkey

Whoa. I was sure I’d posted about this already, but glanced at the blog and noticed it wasn’t up. Gremlins. (In my mind!)

Anyway, 100K takes another step closer to WORLD DOMINATION — Turkish publisher Dogan Egmont has bought both The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and The Broken Kingdoms for translation and publication there. Yay!

Not planning a trip to Istanbul yet, though I’ve always wanted to visit there. But now I have an excuse. ;)

7 thoughts on “Sale to Turkey”

  1. Tebrikler!

    And you must visit Istanbul, but read John Julius Norwich’s Byzantium history first. The city has a grandeur that I can’t describe (but I except you’ll be able to!) (and that’s a book I’d like to read).

  2. I’d love to be able to travel to Turkey, but I’m worried I’d never get “Istanbul not Constantinople” out of my head.

  3. It’s Constantinople not Byzantium
    Yes it’s Constantinople not Byzantium
    Why did Byzantium lose its peak?
    That’s nobody’s business but he Greeks.

    Anyhoo, one of the many wonderful things about Istanbul is that Constantinople is alive and well, from the Theodosian Walls to the Hagia Sophia, the Mese and the Hippodrome. It’s all there, but unlike Rome, it’s a living, breathing, vibrant ancient/modern city.

    Reminds me of Sky, a bit.

  4. Whoo hoo! I’ve been telling all my friends and family about these awesome books but not all of them speak (or can read) in English and soo few of my favorite books are translated to Turkish… Now they will be able to read them, too! I hope you get to visit my beloved city, Istanbul, and find something magical in it to be inspired. Many people do :)

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