
Stuff about my short stories.

Ignorant Mail, and Linkspam

::sigh:: I get emails from readers from time to time, and 99% of these emails are positive and welcome. (Thank you!) But every so often I get one that’s… soooo very not. It isn’t exactly “hate mail”. Generally I only get those via the comments on my more “controversial” blog posts, like when I complain about messed-up video games or movies. (Yeah, I don’t think those are controversial either, but the fact remains; I get more crap over the stuff I watch/play than the stuff I write.) I’m quick on the banhammer, so most of you don’t have to see […]

Ignorant Mail, and Linkspam KEEP READING


Stuff! Coming! Soon! The Con or Bust auction, sponsored by the Carl Brandon Society as a partial response to Racefail, and intended to help fans of color attend SFF conventions that they might otherwise forego for fear of a) being unwelcome, and b) being expensively unwelcomed. People are much more likely to take a chance on something iffy if doing so won’t mean falling short on the rent, right? So Con or Bust addresses this. And to help, I’ve got an ARC of The Killing Moon up for bid, and there will be lots of other cool things going up

Forthcoming! KEEP READING

“After” Table of Contents, and Imposter Syndrome

Just got the final table of contents for the Datlow & Windling forthcoming YA dystopian anthology, After. Introduction The Segment by Genevieve Valentine After the Cure by Carrie Ryan Valedictorian by N.K. Jemisin Visiting Nelson by Katherine Langrish All I Know of Freedom by Carol Emshwiller The Other Elder by Beth Revis The Great Game at the End of the World by Matthew Kressel Reunion by Susan Beth Pfeffer Faint Heart by Sarah Rees Brennan Blood Drive by Jeffrey Ford Reality Girl by Richard Bowes Hw th’Irth Wint Wrong by Hapless Joey @ homeskool.guv by Gregory Maguire Rust With Wings

“After” Table of Contents, and Imposter Syndrome KEEP READING

Curious Cabinets, Steampunk Mammoths, and Galactic Thinking

Stuff happening in Noraland lately: -The Thackery T Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities is almost out! This unusual anthology furthers the mythos of the good professor, which some may recall having visited before. There’s work in this one by China Mieville, Minister Faust, Charles Yu, and many, many more — and of course, Yours Truly. Preorder today! -Another forthcoming: The Mammoth Book of Steampunk, for which the ToC has just been released. My story The Effluent Engine will be in it as a reprint. And there’s lots more cool work therein, by many cool authors. Woot! -And this weekend, I am

Curious Cabinets, Steampunk Mammoths, and Galactic Thinking KEEP READING

Locus Roundtable on, er, Me

Locus, that nice magazine that just gave me a big shiny award, also does other cool things. Who knew? Like, they have a series called Roundtables, in which they ask a bunch of writers, reviewers, and other literary folk to chat about a particular work or topic. And — starting before the award, actually — they decided to talk about me. Disclosure: I’m on the Roundtable list, but I obviously bowed out of this conversation. So a couple of the folks there have met me in real life, one (Rachel Swirsky) knows me quite well, and the rest I only

Locus Roundtable on, er, Me KEEP READING

The obvious vs the oblique

You may have noticed that I’ve been a little quiet lately. Sorry! It’s the whole two-fulltime-jobs thing; doesn’t leave a lot of time for extras. So in the spirit of maximizing efficiency, this is a two-birds-with-one-stone post: I’m going to talk about writing, which I haven’t done here for awhile, and I’m also going to plug a new novel that rocked my socks off. The novel is Genevieve Valentine’s Mechanique: A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti, which has already gotten some nice press. It deserves more. When I first started out as a short story writer, I had a rough

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Just sold another short story! This one has gone to a forthcoming YA dystopian anthology edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, to be called After. As it was described to me, the premise is to focus on the dystopias that might result long after an apocalypse, not the immediate aftermath, and explore what life is like for teenagers in this setting. My own contribution is called “Valedictorian,” and it’s set in the same cybergothy universe of “The Trojan Girl”, which got published earlier this year in Weird Tales. “Valedictorian” is set an undescribed amount of time later, and is


Sinners, Saints… Available at Podcastle!

I mentioned this awhile back, but it got posted yesterday: at Podcastle, my story “Sinners, Saints, Dragons, and Haints, in the City Beneath the Still Waters” is up. This story was originally published in the UK magazine Postscripts. I’ve only been able to listen to a little of it so far, but I really like the voice they selected. The reader is a black woman, Laurice White, and while she doesn’t specifically speak with a New Orleanian accent, she does such a phenomenal job that these minor differences are just that — minor. There’s character there, which captures both Tookie’s

Sinners, Saints… Available at Podcastle! KEEP READING

Missing Voices

What should science fiction sound like? Or fantasy. A short story of mine, “Sinners, Saints, Dragons, and Haints, in the City Beneath the Still Waters”, was published in the UK anthology Postscripts a few months back. I’ve sold the audio rights to Podcastle, which is going to run the story sometime soon — and I’m glad for this, because it’s one of my favorites. See, this story is set in New Orleans, in the days immediately preceding and following Hurricane Katrina. In some ways, it’s my love letter to the city that I know what it means to miss —

Missing Voices KEEP READING

Weird Tales a-comin’

Ooo, lookee!! Click to embiggen: My short story “The Trojan Girl” will be out in this issue. Not only will it have this gorgeous issue cover — designed by fellow author Mary Robinette Kowal, who clearly has a good eye — but they’ve given my story phenomenal interior art too! The folks at Weird Tales tell me the issue will hopefully be on sale by the end of the month. Wanna make sure you don’t miss it? Subscribe now! Of course, I’ll let you know when the single issue is available, too.

Weird Tales a-comin’ KEEP READING

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