Ooo, lookee!! Click to embiggen:

My short story “The Trojan Girl” will be out in this issue. Not only will it have this gorgeous issue cover — designed by fellow author Mary Robinette Kowal, who clearly has a good eye — but they’ve given my story phenomenal interior art too! The folks at Weird Tales tell me the issue will hopefully be on sale by the end of the month. Wanna make sure you don’t miss it? Subscribe now! Of course, I’ll let you know when the single issue is available, too.
Wow. So cool! Who is the cover by? Who is the interior art by?
Gah, just realized there was a broken part of the image tag. Fixed to show that the artist’s name is Lee Moyer, and the piece itself — which was in the latest Spectrum! — is called “Thedora.” I’ve gotten some info about the interior art too, but will post that when the issue is out.