Search Results for: dragon age


An update for those of you who like your epic fantasies like you like your significant others — er… hmm. I’m not sure I can continue that analogy and avoid an X-rating. Uh… um… Just finish that one off yourselves. Anyway, the Science Fiction Book Club’s versions of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and The Broken Kingdoms are now available. And their versions are hardcover. So for all of you who’ve been complaining to me that it’s not hardcover, why isn’t it hardcover, how can it be epic fantasy if it’s not hardcover and you can brain a dragon with it… […]


Taboo 3 Reading at Wiscon

I’m not here right now. At the sound of the beep, I will probably be flying over the flyover states, only to stop and land in one of them: Wisconsin, where there will be Wisconnage. Wiscon is probably my favorite SFF convention, with its mix of Deep Social Issues conversation and sheer aesthetically-pleasing silliness: Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab perfume samples, the Dessert Salon’s gustatory glory, the chance to wear shiny things. I only hate that writing work has forced me to withdraw from the Concom; for a con as dynamic as this, I’m happy to roll up my sleeves and

Taboo 3 Reading at Wiscon KEEP READING

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

Title quote from the first Matrix film; Morpheus. So, noticed that the German version of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is now available, when it showed up on Goodreads under “other editions” recently. That was my first time seeing it. For those of you who aren’t Goodreads members (why aren’t you?), here’s what it looks like: According to Google’s translation tool, the title is something like “The Heiress of the World”. Submitted without comment for now. (Am talking with my agent about it.) Feel free to discuss. Oh, and there’s a description of Yeine in chapter 1, if you’re wondering what

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. KEEP READING

And now, a moment of shameless fangirlery

Via Stomping on Yeti, just saw the cover of the latest Temeraire novel! Go here to view it and read an excerpt. Oooh, is that Iskierka entwined with Temeraire? Probably not, given the coloring and lack of steam/flame. Plus he can’t stand her, the fussbudget; can’t imagine him happily tangling up with her like that. I hope she manages to win him over. But then what dragon is it? They’re in Australia for this one — will we see marsupial dragons at last?? Aaaaaaagh I can’t believe I have to wait ’til July…!!! And how long before the Temeraire movie?!

And now, a moment of shameless fangirlery KEEP READING

Good and bad obsessions

A weird thing seems to hit me around this time every year — I develop a powerful, almost compulsive, urge to eat the same food over and over again. Last year it was good hot chocolate — not that Swiss Miss crap (is that even food?), but not too fancy either. I preferred Ghiradelli, double chocolate flavor, made with lactose-free skim milk. (OK, I didn’t care what milk it was made with. But I’m lactose intolerant and I drink skim milk, so…) Marshmallows not optional. The year before that it was sushi from this one particular place in Brooklyn. Thai

Good and bad obsessions KEEP READING

My Wiscon Schedule, part deux

OK, finally seems to be solidified, though some of the events on this keep skeeting about like greased pigs. Thus far we have: Writers’ Workshop, Fri 9:00AM – 12:00PM. I’ll be running a group of four aspiring novelists. Yay! Forces Beyond Our Control: power, identity, and magic in fantasy, Fri 4:00 – 5:15PM. This is a reading I’ll be doing with fellow writers Alaya Dawn Johnson, Margaret Ronald, and Doselle Young. What will I read? Uh… still deciding on that. NOT ANOTHER F*CKING RACE PANEL, Fri 9:00 – 10:15PM. I’m the moderator for this one; the panelists will be K.

My Wiscon Schedule, part deux KEEP READING

Describing characters of color in writing

Some examples from my own writing, submitted for your consideration. Not a claim of correctness or The Best Way or anything of the sort. Just my way. And yeah, this is in part inspired by a certain very lengthy discussion of race, representation, and respect in the SF/F community that took place recently in the blogosphere. But I also just felt like sharing. ETA: And because this post continues to get hits months later, folks might be interested in Part 2, which was posted at the Magic District, and part 3, written a few months later. Some of this is

Describing characters of color in writing KEEP READING

Observations… theory?

Got the copyedit of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms today! I’ve never done this before, so I kind of boggled when I started flipping pages and saw all these little squiggly things on it. The folks in my writing group helped me decipher the first few pages, and the stylesheet included with it helps too. It looks like it’s going to be fun to work on this — and I needed to re-read it anyway, now that I’m working on Book 3, for congruity’s sake — but there’s definitely going to be a learning curve involved. Wish me luck. And in

Observations… theory? KEEP READING

Saaaay. Why AREN’T there brown elves?

Was trying to think of something to write for a blog post, and all I can come up with are reactions to stuff other people have written. Pathetic! What kind of writer am I? Must try harder. Anyway, one reaction is to this article, written by the ever-thought-provoking “coffeeandink”, though quoting another gentleman: Also, fantasy and sci-fi does frequently explore issues of racism, disability, addiction, etcetera, but through analogies, metaphors or substitutes. A story about a half-elf who feels as though she’s not fully accepted by either humans or elves can convey similar feelings as a literary novel about a

Saaaay. Why AREN’T there brown elves? KEEP READING

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