As a commenter reminded me in the other pronunciation post, there are quite a few new names in The Broken Kingdoms, so I should do a list for this book too. Again, I don’t really care how these names are pronounced; they’re fictional characters, not real people who can get upset about it. But for those who really want to know, here goes. Oree Shoth: OH-ree SHOTH Easha, Wesha: EE-sha, WEE-sha Vuroy: voo-ROY Ohn: OH-hin (the “i” is very soft and brief) Ru: ROO Role: ROH-luh Maro/Maroneh: MAH-roh/mah-ROH-nay Nimaro: NEE-mah-roh Rimarn Dih: rih-MAH-rin (again, a brief “i” in that last