
I win!!! or am equally happy for some reason.

Compliments Graciously Welcomed and Accepted

Like many writers, I worry — constantly — about the quality of my work. I don’t go fishing for compliments, but it means a lot to me when people say nice things about stuff I’ve written. Reviews from professional-type review people are gratifying, even if they don’t always like my stories; I’m of the school of thought that says apathy is worse than active dislike, because at least with active dislike you get a reaction. But it’s compliments from readers, of the just-looking-for-entertainment type, that tend to have the greatest impact on me, because that tells me I’m really doing […]

Compliments Graciously Welcomed and Accepted KEEP READING


Riffing on Strings, an anthology of fiction and essays inspired by String Theory, has won a Silver Independent Publisher Book Award (IPPY)! My short story, “Too Many Yesterdays, Not Enough Tomorrows,” is in this, along with some other phenomenal contributors (including Michio Kaku!). Yay! Announcing 2009 IPPY Awards National and Regional Results Recognizing Excellence in Independent Publishing – 13th Annual Awards Jenkins Group is proud to announce the results in the 65 National categories and 20 Regional categories of this year’s Independent Publisher Book Awards. 3,380 books were entered in the national contest (an average of 50 contenders per category)


100K available for preorder!

OK, so the author name is wrong and there’s no cover image and for some reason Amazon seems to have pre-tagged it as “Chinese fantasy” (O.o)… but I imagine all these things are fixable. Anyway, if you reeeeeeeally really really want to make sure you get your hands on a copy, and you’re terrified that it’ll sell out or the world economy will collapse or the price of paper will surge or nanotech will turn us all into gray goo sometime within the next 9 months… you can now preorder The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms on Amazon!. And it’s actually coming

100K available for preorder! KEEP READING


I’ve been sitting on this for a few days now, bouncing in virtual little-girl excitement, struggling to hold it all in. But now at last, at last I can share the joy!! Like it? Then bop over to the Orbit blog to tell Art Director Lauren Panepinto that she is the shit. Except don’t use shit. OK you can use it but don’t tell her I told you to. YOU WANT TO BUY IT DON’T YOU.


Authors… in… SPAAAAAAAACE!!!

…Well, not exactly. But as close as we can get without becoming astronauts or paying $5K for the privilege. I’m a-goin’ to Launch Pad! Bwhuh? you say. To which I reply, from the Launch Pad website: Launch Pad is a NASA-funded education/public outreach effort supplementing Mike Brotherton’s space-based astronomical research. Our budget allows us to provide a workshop that is essentially free to participants. Our primary goal is to teach writers of all types about modern science, specifically astronomy, and in turn reach their audiences. We hope to both educate the public and reach the next generation of scientists. Though


Sale to Postscripts!

Woo! I sold a short story. It’s called “Sinners, Saints, Dragons, and Haints, in the City Beneath the Still Waters”, and is set in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Sold to the UK print ‘zine, Postscripts. No info yet on publication date, but I’ll keep you posted. I don’t write short stories often. The problem is that I rarely get discrete ideas. For example, I once started a story about an assassin in a vaguely Egyptian setting who viewed killing as a transcendant religious experience. But that got me thinking about why a religion might consider murder a good thing…

Sale to Postscripts! KEEP READING

PAIN!!! Also, possible translation news. But PAIN!!!

I feel like I’m channeling the Horta today. For reasons I’ve never quite understood, I’ve begun developing these absolutely awful headaches in the last couple of years. They seem to come at random, though dry weather, too much sugar/alcohol, red wine, and some hormonal shifts sometimes contribute. And they’re grinding, twisting, chewing things, like there’s some critter inside my skull steadily boring its way out through one spot (just above my right eye). Sometimes there are weird afterimagey things too, like when you look at a bright light, except I haven’t, and sometimes I get queasy. Friends who know tell

PAIN!!! Also, possible translation news. But PAIN!!! KEEP READING

Well, whaddaya know. HM in Year’s Best!

24 hours after my lament that I hadn’t been doing so hot on the short story front yesterday, I got a heads-up from alankria about using the “Search Inside” feature on Amazon to see whether my name popped up in the forthcoming (tomorrow) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2008. Alankria’s did — congrats! And mine did too, for “The You Train”. That just made my month. Also props to Rajan Khanna of my current writing group, Altered Fluid, who also got an HM, and Veronica Schanoes of my old writing group Black Beans, who got pub’d outright (not an

Well, whaddaya know. HM in Year’s Best! KEEP READING

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