
Reviews of my work or my reviews of others’ work.

Book Rec Post

I’ve been writing so much lately that I haven’t had nearly as much time for reading as I usually do. That’s one of the reasons I treasure the subways in NYC so much — if I were a driver, I wouldn’t get any reading done. As it is, subway reading time isn’t much, but it adds up. And since I’ve been traveling too — six hours sitting on the tarmac in Minneapolis on the way back from Wiscon allowed me to read the second book here (for which I’m not exactly grateful, just looking at the positives) — I’ve actually […]


Happy Monday!

I’ve noticed for the last few weeks that the reviews of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms have come in waves. Usually there are a bunch of them on Monday; I guess people are writing them up over the weekend. I’m not sure how today will go, seeing as I’m writing this a little early in the day, but I did see one marvelous review from one of my favorite print magazines, Weird Tales. It’s short enough that I can retype it, so: NEW AND FANTASTIC THE HUNDRED THOUSAND KINGDOMS by N. K. Jemisin (Orbit, $13.99, paperback) This remarkable debut novel is

Happy Monday! KEEP READING

Several posts in need of a header

Am just getting back from the annual Altered Fluid writing retreat — it was awesome — but boy are my arms tired. And my brain, and my immune system, and so on. I need some recovery time, so in the meantime shall give you a bit of annotated linkspam. First and foremost, I want to point you at a philanthropic effort that needs more attention. Last year, the sturm und drang of RaceFail produced a number of beautiful results, once of which was the Con or Bust fund, intended to get more fans of color to attend SF conventions, ideally

Several posts in need of a header KEEP READING

Blog Tour: Valhalla! And a welcome smuggling job.

A bit of linkspam today. Randolph Carter of Grinding to Valhalla, a gaming blog, somehow heard that I was a gamer and asked me for an interview awhile back. He’s posted it today, and I forgot how much fun I had with it! An excerpt: You wake up to a world where The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms has been made into a video game. Which character would you play and why? Oooh, fun. =) Well, I don’t know if this means anything without people having read the book, but I think I would play Sieh. Sieh is the god of childhood

Blog Tour: Valhalla! And a welcome smuggling job. KEEP READING

Warriors who don’t make war

OK. Calm now. Going to be slightly more coherent than in my last post. The reviews of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms have thus far been mostly positive, which is phenomenal. (See last post for my typical reaction.) But I’m kind of glad for the occasional notes of critique that have cropped up amid all the praise. See, like all writers I’m still learning, constantly seeking to improve my skills in various areas. Part of that learning process is experimentation, which generally consists of me trying something weird and then seeing how readers react. The critical reviews are giving me an

Warriors who don’t make war KEEP READING

io9!!! io9!!! io9!!!

Submitted without comment beyond HOLY FUCKING SHIT: The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, out Feb. 25, is an impressive debut, which revitalizes the trope of empires whose rulers have gods at their fingertips. It feels suitably big, and yet incredibly intimate as well. And we can’t wait to read the other two volumes of the Inheritance Trilogy.

io9!!! io9!!! io9!!! KEEP READING

Fourfecta! Library Journal too!

OK, so I’d already mentioned the reviews by Romantic Times and Kirkus, and that the Publishers’ Weekly review was starred. Yesterday, however, brought a fresh surprise: Library Journal gave The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms a starred review too! Here’s the relevant bit: Debut author Jemisin creates a mesmerizingly exotic world where fallen gods serve as slaves to the ruling class and murder and ambition go hand in hand. VERDICT: An engaging heroine and a fresh take on traditional dynastic fantasy make this trilogy opener a delight for the fantasy reader and introduce a strong new voice to the genre. And since

Fourfecta! Library Journal too! KEEP READING

Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review!

OK, I heard about this a few weeks ago and hinted at it a few posts back. Have been gleefully sitting on the news, waiting for the folks at PW to post the review themselves before I unveiled it. It’s still not up there, so you can’t see the actual text yet. But the folks at Orbit have already spilled the beans, so that means I get to squee too — The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms has gotten a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly! Like I said, I’ve seen the actual text of the review, and it’s phenomenal; can’t wait to

Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review! KEEP READING

Et tu, Kirkus?

Except this “et tu” is a good thing, because Kirkus’ review of 100K is fantastic: Debut fantasy features an intriguing, well-drawn mythology. At first glance, the basic plot may seem standard: A young woman, narrator/protagonist Yeine Darr, is named heir to the Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, which plunges her into a power struggle with two rival cousins. But Jemisin’s world-building and attention to detail raise this story to another level. In the novel’s complex but well-defined universe, a war between the gods took place in the distant past. The losing divinities were punished severely and forced to become the slaves of

Et tu, Kirkus? KEEP READING

More on Romantic Times

I’ve now seen the full ratings list (PDF) for the February issue. My book got the only “Gold” rating in the whole issue. ::dies again:: While I’m on the subject of RT, they interviewed me! It will show up in their March issue, paired with the interview of another Brooklyn-based author; RT is giving the borough a little love. A sample from the interview: 3. Why didn’t you set your books in the borough? Because I mostly write secondary-world (i.e., “not Earth”) fantasy and science fiction! And really, I have a nasty habit of destroying the worlds in which I

More on Romantic Times KEEP READING

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