
Random crap I ramble on about.

Women, Warriors, and Gender Policing

I’ve avoided addressing this topic for awhile now, mostly because I think it’s the kind of subject that someone, somewhere, could write a book on. (Actually there are a few.) And since I’m busy writing fantasy books, I don’t have the time. Still, I’ve noticed that a lot of readers of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms have shown a persistent interest in Darr and its warrior women. I love this, by the way; it feels incredibly cool to have written something that gets people so engaged. But I’m also aware that it’s not necessarily my Darre, but the idea of a […]

Women, Warriors, and Gender Policing KEEP READING

Missed the chat? Here ya go.

Busy makin’ vittles for Thanksgiving right now, thus my quietude these last few days, but I wanted to share this. If you missed the chat I did last Thursday night, you can go check out the transcript of it now. Visit the Knight Agency blog to download it. Some cool questions were asked, and I can only hope my answers were equally cool!

Missed the chat? Here ya go. KEEP READING

A Few Points of Clarification

…on some things I’ve been asked about, privately and in interviews, re the Inheritance Trilogy lately. I’m a big believer in the idea that a book’s text is fundamentally interactive. It means both what the author intended it to mean and what the reader interprets it to mean, with the actual value falling somewhere in between. The two cannot be separated, and a good author tries to anticipate what her readers will bring to the table. She can’t always succeed, of course; different readers bring different things. But she can try, so here’s what I was trying to do. Huge

A Few Points of Clarification KEEP READING

Election Catchup

Seeing as I was jetlagged and sleep deprived last week on Election Day — though I made it to the polls anyhow — I was in no mental condition to post any sort of postgame analysis then, nor for a few days afterward (especially given that it was Launch Week). Now that I’ve had time to recover and process a little — I have mixed feelings. On the local level, I’m very, very glad that Carl Paladino did not become New York’s next governor. The last thing this state needs right now is a rabid dog at the head of

Election Catchup KEEP READING

Have a going-away pressie

Yeah, it’s a little early, but I’ve got a million things to do in the next few days before I hit the sky for London, so here’s chapter 3 of The Broken Kingdoms. In which Oree figures out a little more of the mystery surrounding her strange houseguest, and readers of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms get to see a couple of familiar faces…

Have a going-away pressie KEEP READING

Steam-Powered is GO!

And in short-story news, that mysterious lesbian steampunk anthology I mentioned awhile back? It’s almost here. Editor JoSelle Vanderhooft just announced the table of contents for Steam-Powered, a print anthology soon to be out from Torquere Press. The ToC includes my own story “The Effluent Engine”, which I released as a freebie earlier this year for the A Story for Haiti fundraiser, plus some other kickass folk who are worth paying for, such as: Georgina Bruce: “Brilliant” DL MacInnes: “Owl Song” Sara M. Harvey: “Where the Ocean Meets the Sky” Beth Wodzinski: “Suffer Water” Rachel Manija Brown: “Steel Rider” Shira

Steam-Powered is GO! KEEP READING

Welcome to Brooklyn… DUCK!

Apropos of nothing, took this photo in Prospect Park yesterday, which was one of the most beautiful days I’ve ever seen. No ducks, alas — they were behind me, mobbing a family that foolishly thought they could get away with tossing out only half a loaf of bread. Was chatting with a friend the other day about the plethora of “OMG, I only make $250,000 a year, I’m so poor!” whining that seems to have broken out all over the internet lately, mostly in reaction to the expiration of Bush’s tax cuts for those making $250K or greater. I’m with

Welcome to Brooklyn… DUCK! KEEP READING

Baby I’m Back

::whew:: That was exciting. For those who wonder where the heck Epiphany went for the latter half of last week and the weekend — the webhost company that houses the site got hit with a server attack. They’ve fixed the problem, but as you might notice, they also restored all the sites from older backups, so my last post and several recent comments are no longer here. Sorry! Fortunately, though, chapter 1 of The Broken Kingdoms is still up. I’ve made another subtle change — got rid of the comment threading. I really, really prefer threaded comments, but because of


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