Now it can be howled…

Been holding off on mentioning this because I wasn’t sure how “official” it was, but we’re talking business stuff now so I guess it’s a done deal. My fantasy/erotica/fairy tale deconstructionist short story “Red Riding-Hood’s Child” is going to appear as a reprint in Running With the Pack, a forthcoming anthology of werewolf fiction due out in May from Prime Books. It’s got some serious big names attached to it, and is edited by World Fantasy Award-winning editor Ekaterina Sedia. I’m super-excited that my little story is going to be in such big company. Preorders available on Amazon now! ETA […]

Now it can be howled… KEEP READING

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

Title quote from the first Matrix film; Morpheus. So, noticed that the German version of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is now available, when it showed up on Goodreads under “other editions” recently. That was my first time seeing it. For those of you who aren’t Goodreads members (why aren’t you?), here’s what it looks like: According to Google’s translation tool, the title is something like “The Heiress of the World”. Submitted without comment for now. (Am talking with my agent about it.) Feel free to discuss. Oh, and there’s a description of Yeine in chapter 1, if you’re wondering what

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. KEEP READING

Audio Trailer!

I was feeling kind of ambivalent about getting a video book trailer, as I’ve mentioned here before. I’ve seen a very few book trailers that had a positive impact on my interest in/remembrance of the book being advertised, and I’ve seen a whole lot of book trailers that just fell flat. (Or worse, made me want to avoid the book like the plague.) So I decided to go with something different, and instead had an audio trailer put together. I’m going to be running this on some of the skiffy podcasts in the next few weeks, like I Should Be

Audio Trailer! KEEP READING

Boycott? No, thanks.

And here I thought I was done with controversies for the week. For those who haven’t heard, there’s been a big to-do in the past few days over another instance of cover art whitewashing re a YA novel called Magic Under Glass by debut author Jaclyn Dolamore. Like the last instance, it turned into a big thing, with some big-name editors and authors in the field weighing in on the issue. And a whole lot of readers got pissed off — again — as they should, IMO, because the problem of whitewashing has gone on for literally decades in the

Boycott? No, thanks. KEEP READING

Warriors who don’t make war

OK. Calm now. Going to be slightly more coherent than in my last post. The reviews of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms have thus far been mostly positive, which is phenomenal. (See last post for my typical reaction.) But I’m kind of glad for the occasional notes of critique that have cropped up amid all the praise. See, like all writers I’m still learning, constantly seeking to improve my skills in various areas. Part of that learning process is experimentation, which generally consists of me trying something weird and then seeing how readers react. The critical reviews are giving me an

Warriors who don’t make war KEEP READING

io9!!! io9!!! io9!!!

Submitted without comment beyond HOLY FUCKING SHIT: The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, out Feb. 25, is an impressive debut, which revitalizes the trope of empires whose rulers have gods at their fingertips. It feels suitably big, and yet incredibly intimate as well. And we can’t wait to read the other two volumes of the Inheritance Trilogy.

io9!!! io9!!! io9!!! KEEP READING

Blog Tour: New Jersey! And pre-release housekeeping.

Newsflash! Although the official publication date of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is February 25, I found out yesterday that the release date is actually February 3rd. What this means, I think — remember, this stuff is new to me, too — is that the book will actually be available in many stores in ::ulp:: about two weeks. Which kinda blows my plan of posting a 30-day countdown clock, because I don’t actually know when people will be able to get this thing. On the other hand, screw the countdown clock; my book!! is coming!! What this means is that I’m

Blog Tour: New Jersey! And pre-release housekeeping. KEEP READING

A Story for Haiti: “The Effluent Engine”

A day late in posting this; I only heard about it in the wee hours of Monday morning, and wanted to put up the MLK post first. And ordinarily I would prefer to let that post stay topmost for a few days, but time is critical here. So… I heard through Cheryl Morgan’s blog about A Story for Haiti, a fundraising effort on behalf of the victims of the Port-au-Prince quake. Basically, a bunch of authors are posting free short stories online, some set in Haiti and some not, and asking people to decide how much those stories are worth.

A Story for Haiti: “The Effluent Engine” KEEP READING

Why I Think RaceFail Was The Bestest Thing Evar for SFF

This post is for MLK Day. It’s also prompted by the coincidental approximate anniversary of RaceFail, which began in January of last year. (Missed the fun? Google is your friend. But here is a good place to start.) For those who want the Twitter version, RaceFail was a several-months-long conversation about race in the context of science fiction and fantasy that sprawled across the blogosphere. It involved several thousand participants and spawned several hundred essays — and it hasn’t really ended yet, just slowed down. But the initial outburst was very frank, and frequently very heated, and over the course

Why I Think RaceFail Was The Bestest Thing Evar for SFF KEEP READING

Altered Fluid on Hour of the Wolf

Once again, the Altered Fluid writing group will be on WBAI’s radio program Hour of the Wolf tomorrow morning, bright and early at 5 a.m. If you happen to be awake then, and thinking, “Gosh, I wonder how a good writing group works,” then tune in to hear Paul Berger read from his just-now-draft version of “Damp Spam”. It’s a hilarious tale of quantum physics and dinosaurs, which we will cheerfully critique on live radio. Those of you who are off at Arisia this weekend, which I am unfortunately not attending — if you happen to be awake after some

Altered Fluid on Hour of the Wolf KEEP READING

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