
Things I think people should do for the good of the world, society, etc.

So, that happened

Not going to spend a lot of time on yesterday’s shenanigans. I’m still in Deadline Hell on the UMSP, still in recovery mode from cross-planet/season-hopping jetlag, and still on vacation when all is said and done; I’ve got better things to do. And anyway, I’m too much of a counselor to forget that the most virulent-sounding hatred is always the result of fear. There can be nothing more pitiful — dangerous, certainly, but still, pitiful — than a person whose self-worth depends solely on their perceived ability to diminish others. That is a person who truly has nothing of his […]

So, that happened KEEP READING

Attack of the Cute, Launches and Lunges

Sorry for the silence lately; been down with the plague, otherwise known as my annual bout of cold which turns into a sinus infection which turns into bronchitis. I’ve got an appointment with the doctor on Friday, and I’ve had it before and know how to take care of myself, so don’t worry. But I’m low energy — that’s the infection part — and afflicted with a painful, constant cough, so thus the lack of blogging. Barely got the energy to write, to be honest. It probably doesn’t help that, when I began to feel a bit better last weekend,

Attack of the Cute, Launches and Lunges KEEP READING


Stuff! Coming! Soon! The Con or Bust auction, sponsored by the Carl Brandon Society as a partial response to Racefail, and intended to help fans of color attend SFF conventions that they might otherwise forego for fear of a) being unwelcome, and b) being expensively unwelcomed. People are much more likely to take a chance on something iffy if doing so won’t mean falling short on the rent, right? So Con or Bust addresses this. And to help, I’ve got an ARC of The Killing Moon up for bid, and there will be lots of other cool things going up

Forthcoming! KEEP READING


FYI for all: there’s a fundraising auction going on right now to benefit author, artist, and editor Terri Windling, who’s going through a rough time right now. But even if you don’t know or care about her, you should care about this auction, because there’s all kinds of stunning stuff available. Like this custom “personalized” fairy tale poem from Jane Yolen! ::bites fingers, wanting:: And manuscript critiques, and art, and just… wow. For my own part, I’ll be offering a signed ARC of The Killing Moon, book 1 of the Dreamblood, for the highest bidder (minimum $10). This book won’t


I’m a-doin’ the Write-A-Thon

I’ve never been to a Clarion. Or any six-week workshop. Never worked in the kind of career field that would permit it, and never had a fortuitous conjunction of money and unemployment in between careers. Still, I like the idea of the whole thing — creativity boot camp, total immersion in ideas and discipline with the isolation necessary to foster the imagination to its fullest. It’s something I get in smaller increments with my writing group, particularly when we go off on our annual retreat — but how cool is it to go on a massive, six-week-long retreat with guest

I’m a-doin’ the Write-A-Thon KEEP READING

Wanna be a god?

The Con or Bust auction has begun, trying to raise funds to send fans of color to science fiction conventions they would not otherwise attend. To support the auction, I’m offering something a little special: the chance to become a god! …Well, not really. This is actually just a Tuckerization in the forthcoming Dreamblood duology. I don’t really have the ability to turn anybody into a god. OR DO I?!

Wanna be a god? KEEP READING

Monday Fantastic Monday; Carl Brandon Drawing ends!

Today has been a really good day. Can’t talk about why yet, alas, until things are official. But whoa, the coolness. Best Monday ever. I can’t wait to tell you. All that aside, though, there’s one good thing I can tell you about, or remind you about since I’ve already mentioned it here and on Twitter, etc.: the Carl Brandon Society’s raffle/drawing to raise money for the Octavia Butler Scholarship! The eReader you might be able to win is chock full of fantastic and skiffy fiction donated by authors and anthologies, including one story from me. Tickets are only a

Monday Fantastic Monday; Carl Brandon Drawing ends! KEEP READING

A Raffle, A Reading, and a Rant

Been a busy few days, as you might imagine, between recovering from jetlag and Launch Week. But three things make a post, so going to pile them all in together here for expediency’s sake. The raffle: The Carl Brandon Society is doing a fundraising raffle for an ebook reader. But wait! This isn’t just any ebook reader, it’s one that comes pre-loaded with short stories and fiction by CBS members, including Yours Truly. This raffle is specifically intended to support the Octavia Butler Memorial Scholarship fund, which sends writers of color to Clarion — the (expensive) SF writing workshop that

A Raffle, A Reading, and a Rant KEEP READING

Now THAT’S fan appreciation!

Just got directed toward this gorgeous piece of jewelry inspired by The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, made by “Queen of the Cat People”. Its title is “The Death of Enefa”. And say, that’s a familiar well-read book underneath (click to big up)… Want to see closer-up? Oooh, is that a white knife? And drops of blood? Holy crap, this is beautiful. Many thanks to the artist for sharing such a lovely piece! Want it? You can go bid for it now as part of a fundraising auction to benefit the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center! They’ve got other great stuff up

Now THAT’S fan appreciation! KEEP READING

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