Early look at the Dreamblood covers

Orbit published its Spring/Summer 2012 catalog recently. I’ve got the physical copy, which contains a gorgeous two-page glossy spread advertising the book to retailers, but Orbit decided to also publish the covers on its website for all to enjoy. (Which is fortunate, as I no longer own a scanner!) So go look at The Killing Moon and The Shadowed Sun, and marvel at their dark glory! (They’re next to The Kingdom of Gods because that’s when I imagine the mass market paperback will come out.)

I love these covers — but note that they’re not final, and the final version could end up looking very different. Enjoy them while they last!

ETA: D’oh! Added the link.

9 thoughts on “Early look at the Dreamblood covers”

  1. I’m in love with those covers. But not quite as much as I’m in love with the ACTUAL PHYSICAL 100% REAL LIVE copy of Kingdom of the Gods that I have in my hands right effing now!


    Oooh, my preccccious. I’ve waited so long for you…

  2. Zoe,

    EHHHH?? Do we already have FIRST BOOK SIGN?! It’s barely even October! Did you order online or find it in a bookstore?

  3. Exciting! And beautiful. And in some interesting company, as well. Looking at that many purty book covers makes me feel like a kid in a candy shop. Or, like myself in a bookstore. Can’t… go home… empty handed…!

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