April 11, 2009

Describing characters of color in writing

Some examples from my own writing, submitted for your consideration. Not a claim of correctness or The Best Way or anything of the sort. Just my way. And yeah, this is in part inspired by a certain very lengthy discussion of race, representation, and respect in the SF/F community that took place recently in the blogosphere. But I also just felt like sharing. ETA: And because this post continues to get hits months later, folks might be interested in Part 2, which was posted at the Magic District, and part 3, written a few months later. Some of this is […]

Describing characters of color in writing KEEP READING

100K update

…I had kind of mentioned this to friends and in passing, but hadn’t posted about it yet because there was still some up-in-the-airness going on. Anyway tho’, the official release date for The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is now February 2010. February 25, specifically, at least according to Amazon. (Quiet squee at the fact that MY BOOK IS ON AMAZON!!! …kinda. It’s not searchable on the US Amazon; I found it because it’s searchable on the UK Amazon and the US one is linked to that. Or something. Anyway, you might wanna bookmark that sucker; it’s slippery.) As for why it

100K update KEEP READING

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