“The Most Celebrated Science Fiction And Fantasy Writer of Her Generation.”
—The New York Times
N. K. Jemisin
N(ora). K. Jemisin is a New York Times-bestselling author of speculative fiction short stories and novels, who lives and writes in Brooklyn, NY. In 2018, she became the first author to win three Best Novel Hugos in a row. She has also won a Nebula Award, two Locus Awards, and is a recipient of the MacArthur “Genius” Fellowship.
Her short fiction has been published in pro markets such as Clarkesworld, Tor.com, WIRED, and Popular Science; semipro markets such as Ideomancer and Abyss & Apex; and podcast markets and print anthologies. Her novels, a novella, and two short story collections are out now from Orbit Books, and have sold over two million copies worldwide. Her novels are represented by Lucienne Diver of the Knight Agency.
She is an emeritus member of the Altered Fluid writing group. In addition to writing, she has been a counseling psychologist and educator, a hiker and biker, and a political/feminist/anti-racist blogger. Although she no longer pens the New York Times Book Review science fiction and fantasy column called “Otherworldly” (which she covered for 3 years), her reviews can still be found online.
Nora is currently unavailable for in-person public speaking engagements. For inquiries about virtual engagements for 2024, please contact Jayme Boucher at the Hachette Speakers Bureau: Jayme.Boucher @ hbgusa.com. Biographies of various lengths are available on the press kit page. You may contact her assistant at nkjemisin@gmail.com for all other inquiries.
(You are welcome to repost her author photo [click on photo to download] without permission, provided that you credit photographer Laura Hanifin, copyright 2015. Rights to this photo were purchased from her, and it is currently under CC-BY license. Please contact her assistant if you would prefer a hi-res b&w-optimized version of this photo.
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