
Stuff about THE HUNDRED THOUSAND KINGDOMS, my first forthcoming novel

The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms: Cliff’s Notes version

Hey, readers! Has it been too long (a whole six months!) since you read The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms? Have you forgotten all its little plotty bits and pieces, but don’t have time to go back and re-read before you tackle The Broken Kingdoms? Well have no fear! I’m here to help. Here you may download the original outline for the novel (under its original title), which I wrote back in 2008 when my agent was getting ready to submit that novel to publishers. It’s long — 19 pages — but still shorter than the whole book. Note that it contains […]

The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms: Cliff’s Notes version KEEP READING

LaunchElectionVacationreturnAwardnom Day!

Just got back from London last night! More on this later, when I’ve had time to recover from the jetlag and post photos, but it was a fantastic trip. However! I’ve come home to an inbox full of good news. First, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and The Broken Kingdoms have both been nominated for Romantic Times 2010 Reviewers’ Choice awards for best SF/F novels! I’m positively chuffed, as the folks across the pond would say. Also, this is Launch Week for The Broken Kingdoms! According to Amazon, it’s officially out in all English-language markets as of November 3 (Nov. 4

LaunchElectionVacationreturnAwardnom Day! KEEP READING

Brooklyn Book Festival this Sunday!

FYI to all NYC-area peeps: I will be appearing as part of the Brooklyn Book Festival this weekend! I’m super-excited about this, as I’ve been attending the BKBF as a book lover for the last few years. Haven’t been? You should come! The BKBF is a day-long carnival of speakers, booths, entertainment events, and fun for book lovers of all stripes. My particular contribution to the fun will be this: Unheard of Magnitude of Fiction. Bill Evans, co-author of Category 7, N.K. Jemisin, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, Karen Lord Redemption in Indigo, read from their gripping books, which challenge us

Brooklyn Book Festival this Sunday! KEEP READING

Wibble Weekend

As most of you have guessed, I am not in Australia this weekend, at Worldcon. I’d like to be, but alas — couldn’t swing it this year. This is despite the fact that one of my short stories, “Non-Zero Probabilities”, is up for a Hugo. I’m kind of on tenterhooks, waiting to see whether I win or not. But since I won’t find out until, by my calculations, about 5 a.m. EST on Sunday morning, nothing I can do but wait. Am I going to get up at 5 a.m. to find out if I won? Erm… well… probably not.

Wibble Weekend KEEP READING

Kindasorta Countdown

Just a reminder for all — in September, specifically September 28 according to Amazon, the mass market version of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms will go on sale. This is great, because it’s about a month before The Broken Kingdoms starts showing up in stores, so people who buy the mass market will be able to immediately indulge their urge to buy the second book — no waiting! But it also means, sadly, that the trade paperback version of 100K will probably disappear shortly afterward, because mass markets tend to kill more expensive versions. Just how the business works. But the

Kindasorta Countdown KEEP READING

100K in the io9 Book Club!

If you missed my Tweet about it a few weeks back, here’s the update from the folks at io9 itself — they’re going to be focusing on The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms for their August book club. Details of how to participate are over there, but basically — read the book if you haven’t read it, then go there and talk about it. I’ll be joining them during the last week of August/first week of Sept in order to answer any burning questions that people still want to ask. And of course, because I am Evil and that’s what Evil people

100K in the io9 Book Club! KEEP READING

Now THAT’S fan appreciation!

Just got directed toward this gorgeous piece of jewelry inspired by The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, made by “Queen of the Cat People”. Its title is “The Death of Enefa”. And say, that’s a familiar well-read book underneath (click to big up)… Want to see closer-up? Oooh, is that a white knife? And drops of blood? Holy crap, this is beautiful. Many thanks to the artist for sharing such a lovely piece! Want it? You can go bid for it now as part of a fundraising auction to benefit the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center! They’ve got other great stuff up

Now THAT’S fan appreciation! KEEP READING

German News

Couple of announcements. First, for those readers who live in Germany, the German version of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms — Die Erbin Der Welt — is available now from Blanvalet! To that end, the publisher has generously offered to do a giveaway of 5 copies via Darkstar Fantasy News, a German review/fan site. These folks did a great interview with me recently (here’s the English version), so if you want a copy — and, uh, you speak German — hop on over and check out their giveaway! And in other German news, good news — after some behind-the-scenes discussion regarding


Characters of Color Fantasy Faceoff!

‘Ware spoilers! Hi folks! At lo this Wiscon past, the Con or Bust community held the first annual “Characters of Color Fantasy Faceoff”, a bracket-style popularity contest. Yeine, Sieh, and Itempas from The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms did well! In fact, at one point Sieh even beat Itempas, which I know would make our little trickster god very, very happy — SIEH: Damn straight it makes me happy.

Characters of Color Fantasy Faceoff! KEEP READING

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