Interview at Sci-Fi Fan Letter

Still on retreat, and making good progress — wrote 2000 words yesterday and did 2 chapters of copyedit. Also, having fun.

But in the meantime, the promotion machine churns on; I did this interview with Sci-Fi Fan Letter awhile back, and they’ve posted it today. Check it out! An excerpt:

When and where do you write?

I make myself write every day, at least a thousand words a day, preferably two thousand. Generally I work best in midmorning to afternoon (which is one of the reasons why I quit my job), and I work equally well in my home office or in a local coffee shop (though that gets expensive and fattening, since I have to “pay rent” by buying coffee and food). When an idea has really grabbed hold of me, though, I start writing everywhere, anytime. I have often brought my laptop to bed with me; once I typed out a few paragraphs while cooking dinner, with the laptop balanced on top of the microwave. Don’t try that at home, kids.

Note: interview contains a spoiler for late in The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms.

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